Sunday, 24 November 2024

Prof. K.P. Mishra Honored with Life Time achievement award from the Society for Radiation Research

 As I reflect upon receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society for Radiation Research (SRR) during the International Conference on Radiation Research: Impact on Human Health and Environment (ICRR-HHE-2024) at AIIMS Patna, I am filled with profound gratitude and humility. This honor is not merely a personal milestone but a testament to the collective efforts of my esteemed colleagues, dedicated students, and the unwavering support of the scientific community.

The award was presented to me by a distinguished panel, which made the moment even more meaningful. I was deeply honored to receive this recognition from Dr. Upendra Kumar Singh, Distinguished Scientist and Director General of Life Sciences at DRDO; Prof. Ramesh S. Bilimagga, President of the Society of Radiation Research (SRR), Ombudsman, Head Regulatory Affairs, and Emeritus Professor in Radiation Oncology; and Dr. J. K. Singh, Padmashri Awardee, Organizing Chairman of ICRR-HHE (2024), and Director of Sri Sai Institute of Medical Sciences, Hajipur/Patna. Their presence and kind words underscored the significance of the occasion and reminded me of the shared passion and dedication within our field. I share a picture from this memorable event below.

Prof.  K.P. Mishra receiving Life Time Achievement Award from Society for Radiation Research.

My journey in the realm of radiation biology began at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, where I had the privilege to lead the Radiation Biology and Health Sciences Division. The collaborative spirit and relentless pursuit of knowledge within these walls laid the foundation for our advancements in understanding radiation's intricate effects on human health. Our research endeavors, spanning cancer biology, free radical biology, and health sciences, were always driven by a commitment to contribute meaningfully to society.

Beyond the confines of our laboratories, I was fortunate to engage with several prominent academic institutions in India and abroad.  These experiences enriched my perspective and underscored the importance of global collaboration in scientific research.

The establishment of the Society for Radiation Research was a dream realized in 2014, aiming to foster a platform for scientists to share insights and drive innovations in radiation research. being the founder president of the SRR seeing the society flourish and witnessing the impactful work presented at conferences like ICRR-HHE-2024 reaffirms my belief in the power of collective endeavor.

This award is a reflection of the shared passion and dedication of all those I've had the honor to work with throughout my career. I extend my heartfelt thanks to each one of you. Let us continue to explore, discover, and contribute to the betterment of human health and our environment through the lens of radiation research.

Saturday, 23 November 2024

A Proud Moment at the Discussion Meeting on Radiation Technology at Mumbai, India

I was glad to be part of a significant event on November 19, 2024, at the Sun-n-Sand Hotel, Juhu Beach, Mumbai, during the "Discussion Meeting" between the Cancer Research Group of BARC and the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI), Bethesda, USA. The theme of the meeting, "New Progress on Radiation Technology for the Treatment of Cancer Patients," brought together some of the brightest minds in the field of radiation research and oncology.

One of the most memorable moments for me was presenting the Society for Radiation Research (SRR) commemorative booklet to Dr. Nagraj Huilgol, former President of SRR India, a respected cancer physician specialist, and Chief of the Radiation Oncology Department at the esteemed Nanavati Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai.
As the Founder President of SRR India, it was a proud moment to share this compilation, which reflects our collective journey, achievements, and vision for the future. Handing it over to Dr. Huilgol, who has contributed so much to the field, was truly special.

This meeting reaffirmed the power of collaboration between institutions like BARC and AFRRI in advancing cancer treatment technologies and improving patient care worldwide. It was inspiring to see such passion and dedication in action.

Tuesday, 2 January 2024

आप सभी का सादर स्वागत।

मुझे यह बताते हुए अत्यंत हर्ष हो रहा है कि आचार्य महाश्रमण जी के घाटकोपर आगमन के उपलक्ष्य में तेरापंथ जैन समाज, घाटकोपर द्वारा आयोजित जन सभा में मुझे अपना विचार प्रस्तुत करने का अवसर प्राप्त हुआ है।

7 जनवरी 2024 को सुबह 10 बजे, 60 फीट रोड, स्टारबक्स के सामने सभा पंडाल में आयोजित इस सभा में, मैं "अध्यात्म और विज्ञान का समाज के विकास में योगदान" विषय पर अपना व्याख्यान दूंगा।

यह मेरे लिए सौभाग्य की बात है कि इस मंच पर अध्यात्म महापुरुष, युगप्रवर्तक, मुनीश्रेष्ठ आचार्य महाश्रमण जी की उपस्थिति से यह सभा शोभायमान होगी।

लाइंस क्लब कुर्ला के मेरे सभी मित्रों, और सम्माननीय देवियों और सज्जनों से मेरा सादर अनुरोध है कि इस विशेष अवसर पर पधारकर कार्यक्रम की शोभा बढ़ाएं।

आपकी उपस्थिति से न केवल मुझे प्रेरणा मिलेगी बल्कि इस विषय पर चर्चा को और अधिक सार्थक बनाया जा सकेगा।